Just a Reminder: There will be no school tomorrow due to parent teacher conferences.
Don't forget the KLS talent show is tonight at 4:30. Come on down and watch these talented kids.
Also, there is no school tomorrow due to parent teacher conferences. There are also conferences Mon. April 22 from 3:15 to 5:30.
GLN: Student Counsel Elections 2019
GMS: Reminder- Middle School conferences will be student led. Conferences are Friday 4/19/19 from 1-7pm.
GLN: Glennallen Advisory School Board
Thursday, April 25, 2019
4:30-5:30pm Glennallen Elementary Library
The Glennallen PTO organizes our Track and Field Day each year and are asking for a volunteer (or more) from the Kenny Lake Community to oversee a running station. The event is on Tuesday, May 21. If you can help out that day, it would be greatly appreciated. Please contact the Kenny Lake School office if you can help. Thank you!
GHS: E-Cig/Vaping Informational Parent Presentation at the Glennallen High School 5:30-7pm 4/17/19
GES/GMS/GHS: Reminder tonight is Social Studies night, please come out and see our "Living Museum" from 5-7pm
There will bee Moose Stew & Fresh Bread for dinner. Hope to see you there!
Game Club will be hosting its second Mario Kart Grand Prix after school today. The Grand Prix will run 4:00 pm - 8:30 pm in the HS Library. Snacks will be for sale. Student participants are $3.00. All spectators are $1.00.
Congratulations to all of the award recipients from today's Kenny Lake School awards assembly. Keep up the good work.
The Kenny Lake School 3rd qtr awards assembly will be Tues. April 9th at 11:10.
GES/GMS/GHS: Social Studies Night Tuesday April 16, 2016 from 5-7pm. Hope to see you there!
Route 7’s bus driver for Kenny Lake is unable to drive this morning (Monday, 4/8/19) Route 7 for Kenny Lake includes the Richardson Highway, Old Edgerton, and first 5 miles of the Edgerton. The route 8 bus driver is going to run the route after his regular route. Route 7 students will be picked up between 30-40 minutes late. First Student is working on getting a substitute driver for this afternoon. This ONLY affects route 7 students for Kenny Lake.
GES/GMS/GHS: It is almost the end of the school year! As of May 1, 2019 students will no longer be able to charge lunches, please be sure to make payments to your students lunch accounts as soon as possible.
Route 5’s (Silver Springs, CRNA, and Laundromat) bus driver is unable to drive this morning. Route 4 and 6 buses will pick these students up after their normal routes. Students on route 5 should expect up to a 20 minute delay to be picked up this morning (Friday, 4/5/19) This will ONLY affect route 5 pickup times.
GES: Third Quarder Awards Assembly April 9, 2019 at 10:00am in the GHS gym.
GLN: Boys Spring Basketball starts today at 5:45-7:15p with Mr. Cyr & Girs will practice 3:45-5:15pm M-Thr.
We welcome your feedback concerning the proposed 2019-2020 calendar. Please complete the survey here:
GLN: 3rd Quarter Awards Assembly April 9th 11:10am for GMS/GHS
It is PEAKS Assessment week in the CRSD! Starting tomorrow, students in Grades 3-9 will take the English Language Arts and Math assessments! Thanks, in advance, for ensuring your students get a good night's sleep prior to testing so they are ready to show what they know!