Academic Excellence
Every student will experience the wonder of learning and success in life.
Value Statement & Strategic Goal:
Every student will experience the wonder of learning and success in life. The CRSD will deliver relevant, rigorous, standards-informed curriculum to ensure student engagement in learning that results in high levels of achievement and preparation for life. Excellent curriculum and instructional best practices will result in high levels of student efficacy, agency, and success.
What it looks like in the CRSD:
● A consistent and intentional focus on the Five Essential Questions:
○ What do students need to know? (Curriculum)
○ How will they learn it? (Instructional Strategies)
○ How will we know if they have learned it? (Assessment)
○ What will we do if they have not learned it? (Intervention)
○ What will we do if they already know it? (Enrichment)
● Academic achievement targets for each school, classroom, and individual student
focused on growth and proficiency are set and regularly reviewed by educators,
students, and parents
● A well-defined Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) program based on
comprehensive individual student data and needs informs instruction, intervention,
and enrichment