GLN: HS Basketball will be in Nenana this Friday and Saturday. Nenana will be live streaming the games through their website: 6:30/8:00 Friday and 9:00/10:30am Saturday. nenanalynx.org.

Happy Birthday, Dr. Suess!
Monday, March 2nd-- Read Across America Day
Community members are invited to visit Slana School
and read a Dr. Seuss book to students!
Loaded potatoes and ice cream sundaes served for lunch. The event will take place from noon - 3 pm.
Contact- Dianna Woodhams at Slana School
907-822-5868 for more information.

FY21 Budget Presentation for Slana School Friday, February 28, at 5:00 p.m. at Slana School.Public Call-in Number: 822-7676, Attendee PIN# 38993

GLN: Close-Up Bingo Night
4/4/2020 from 6-9pm at the American Legion
Dinner will be starting at 5:30pm
There will be prizes for Bingo!

GLN: The Penny Wars winner will be announced tomorrow 2/27/2020 at 8:30am (this will also count as our Monthly Assembly for March). Hope to see you there! #WeAreCRSD #PennyWars2020 #GlennallenSchools

FY21 Budget Presentation for Slana School Friday, February 28, at 5:00 p.m. at Slana School.Public Call-in Number: 822-7676, Attendee PIN# 38993

Kenny Lake School will celebrate Dr. Seuss's Birthday next week, March 2-6, with special dress up days focused on books by Dr. Seuss. Monday is crazy sock day (Fox in Socks). Tuesday is wear green day (Green Eggs and Ham). Wednesday, bring a little stuffed toy to keep in your pocket (There's a Wocket in My Pocket). Thursday is wear stripes or spots (Put me in the Zoo). Friday is hat day (The 500 Hats of Bartholomew). We will have our weekly hot lunch on Monday, and the menu will be green eggs and ham.

GLN: Reminder there is no school Monday 2/24/2020 and Tuesday 2/25/2020 will be a WIN Day/No School unless the student is participating in WIN Day.

We invite you to participate in our 2020 Climate and Connectedness Survey.It will help our district leaders collect data to find areas that need improvement and areas of satisfaction.

BOE Meeting March 3 from 6 - 8 p.m. in the District Office Board Room. Public Call-in Number: 822-7676, Attendee PIN# 38993

BOE Work Session March 3 from 5 - 6 p.m. in the District Office Board Room. Agenda: FY 21 Budget; Public Call-in Number: 822-7676, Attendee PIN# 38993

Glennallen: This is the last week to participate in Penny Wars! The Penny Wars winner will be announced on 2/27/2020 at 8:30am (this will also count as our Monthly Assembly for March).
Hope to see you there!
#WeAreCRSD #PennyWars2020 #GlennallenSchools

GLN: The Sweetheart Slam starts today at 12:00pm in the GHS gym. Please come out and support our Middle School Volleyball students.

Don't forget, the Kenny Lake Science Fair is today. Student exhibits will be on display beginning at 4:30 p.m. Experiments in action will start at 5:30 p.m. A chili dinner will be available for purchase from 5:15-6:00 p.m. The cost is $5 per plate. Proceeds will go toward our nutrition program and PTO scholarships.

GLN: Due to the pass closure headed toward Valdez several traveling teams are staying the night in Glennallen Schools. We are in need of approximately 40 blankets (for the displaced students and coaches) and any food donations would be greatly appreciated.
***Toa Finau will be coordinating donations and return of anything lent to the teams.***

Facilities Committee Meeting Monday, March 2, at 12 p.m. in the District Office Board Room. Agenda: I. District Office Roof Repair Design & Contract, II. 2019 Capital Projects Report of Projected & Actual Expenses; Public Call-in Number: 822-7676, Attendee PIN# 38993

Curriculum Committee Meeting Monday, February 17, at 12 p.m. in the District Office Board Room. Agenda: I. Review of Curriculum Schedule, II. Method of Inclusion of Teachers on Committee. Public Call-in Number: 822-7676, Attendee PIN# 38993

GLN: Middle School Volleyball is at Glennallen this weekend. Please come out to support our Middle School girls volleyball team at the Sweetheart Slam. Games start on Friday at 12pm.
$5.00 Adult
$3.00 Student
$20.00 Family
5yrs & under/65 & older are FREE
Concessions will be available for purchase-cash only

Our Slana School Archery Team will be competing in the 2020 Alaska State NASP Bullseye Virtual Tournament and the 2020 Alaska State NASP 3D Virtual Tournament on Monday, February 10,2020 and Tuesday, February 11,2020. The Tournament will start at 4 pm on both days at Slana School. Come out and cheer on our Warriors! #slanarocks #weareslanawarriors

Kenny Lake School is having a Science Fair on Thursday, February 13. Student exhibits will be on display beginning at 4:30 p.m. Experiments in action will start at 5:30 p.m. A chili dinner will be available for purchase from 5:15-6:00 p.m. The cost is $5 per plate. Come out and join the fun! #BeHawkStrong #BetterTogether #ScienceInAction