English Learners Program
Standards-based instructional program designed to address the unique challenges faced by students whose first language is not English.
To be identified as an EL student, the student must meet all sections of the definition.
Students identified as EL in any Alaska school district qualify for English language development services and academic support.
Federal and state statutes require all districts to identify limited English proficient students and provide equal access to a high quality education by providing resources and services to assist those students in meeting the same academic standards and content that all students are expected to meet
Levels of Language Proficiency
Level 1 – Entering
Level 2 - Emerging
Level 3 – Developing
Level 4 – Expanding
Level 5 – Bridging
W-APT stands for the WIDA-ACCESS Placement Test. It is an English language proficiency "screener" test given to incoming students who may be designated as English language learners. It assists educators with programmatic placement decisions such as identification and placement of ELLs. The W-APT is one component of WIDA's comprehensive assessment system.
Features W-APT test items are written from the model performance indicators of WIDA's five English Language Proficiency (ELP) standards:
Social & Instructional Language
Language of Language Arts
Language of Mathematics
Language of Science
Language of Social Studies
ACCESS Testing
ACCESS for ELs 2.0 is a secure large-scale English language proficiency assessment administered to Kindergarten through 12th grade students who have been identified as English learners (ELs). It is given annually in WIDA Consortium member states to monitor students' progress in acquiring academic English. ACCESS for ELs 2.0 is only available to Consortium member states.
Features The tasks on the new summative assessment will continue to assess the language students need to process or produce in various school contexts. Each assessment item and task will target at least one of the five WIDA ELD Standards:
Social and Instructional Language
Language of Language Arts
Language of Mathematics
Language of Science
Language of Social Studies